
P. JOSEPH LEHMAN, Inc., Consulting Engineers removes undergound storage tanks (USTs) at former Sheetz convenience store in Cumberland, MD.

December 21, 2015

Environmental Solutions

P. Joseph Lehman, Inc., Consulting Engineers was retained by Sheetz, Inc. to remove one 12,000 gallon, one 10,000 gallon, one 6,000 gallon, fiberglass, gasoline Underground Storage Tanks (USTs), and one 6,000 gallon, fiberglass, kerosene UST, associated piping and product dispensers from a former Sheetz convenience store located in Cumberland, Maryland.

Sheetz subcontracted Bolger Brothers Incorporated (a Pennsylvania and Maryland certified tank handling company) to physically remove the existing UST system. Lehman provided oversight of the removal, regulatory sampling and preparation of the UST Closure Reports. Potential gasoline impact was identified in the field and soil samples were collected for laboratory analysis. Laboratory analytical results confirmed the suspected release. We then successfully completed impacted soil excavation and confirmatory sampling to environmentally close this site.


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